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Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution


29 Oct 2020, 7:00pm





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Join us and our guest speaker, Dr Brendan McGeever, Lecturer in the Sociology of Racialization and Antisemitism at Birkbeck University, to learn more about how antisemitism formed an undercurrent to one of the 20th century’s periods of upheaval.

When the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917, they announced the overthrow of a world scarred by exploitation. In the very moment of revolution, these sentiments were put to the test as antisemitic pogroms swept the former Pale of Settlement. Based on his new book Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution, Brendan McGeever examines the Bolshevik response to this unprecedented wave of antisemitism. It reveals the campaign to have been led by loosely connected group of Jewish radicals – Bundists and Marxist-Zionists – who mobilized around a Jewish political subjectivity. By examining pogroms committed by the Red Army, McGeever also reveals the explosive overlap between revolutionary politics and antisemitism, and the capacity for class to become racialized in a moment of crisis.

This talk will take place at 7.00pm GMT – if joining us from a different country, please check the timezone appropriate to where you are.


This event is the second instalment of our series: ‘Antisemitism and Perpetratorship’.