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Listening, mapping and scoring the soundscape of Huddersfield


31 Mar 2022, 10:00am


Holocaust Exhibition and Learning Centre


Free Donation

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Linda o Keeffe

What does it mean to listen and map the soundscape of class, race & gender?

Can a soundscape create exclusion or inclusive spaces? Can sound be used as a weapon, as propaganda? In this one day workshop, you will be taught techniques of deep listening, sound walking, sound mapping and finally, the creation of a graphic score.

This workshop will introduce you to a brief history of sound walking, sound mapping, deep listening and finally the creation of graphic scores. You will then take part in a deep listening sound walk around Huddersfield and within the Holocaust Museum, following which, you will construct a large scale, group, sound map. You will explore how sound can be mapped to spaces, but also, how sound, as a social construct, can be shaped by class, race and gender, that our impression of the soundscape, our sensory engagement with space, is not removed from social, cultural or economic conditions and experiences.

Finally, in thinking about the soundscape of war, violence, exclusion, how can we create a score, using the ideas generated by our sound maps, to make both audible and visible the sounds of war.  The graphic score, a means of creating both an aesthetic idea of a composition, and a way to create an interpretive performance, will be the last part of our day’s activities. 
Materials will be supplied, however, if you have additional materials, such as rulers, compass, coloured markers, charcoal, watercolour pencils etc., please feel free to bring them along.


The workshop is limited to University students and staff only. It is part of our research for the production of new audio guides for our exhibition >>>