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Recovery & Repair: Supporting Jewish Family Histories of the Holocaust in Britain


26 Sep 2024, 1:00pm


Holocaust Centre North


Free - donations welcome

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A team from the Wiener Holocaust Library is returning to Huddersfield to deliver another in-person event, aimed at helping people learn how best to look after their family history.

This free one-day event will take place on 26 September at Holocaust Centre North. It offers attendees the chance to learn about taking care of the precious documents, photographs, and items that represent their family histories. Experts from the Library will give practical tips on how best to look after your family archive, with practical demonstrations of safe storage, and advice on making digital copies to preserve your collection for future generations. As well as this, we will also be thinking through how you can creatively engage with your family’s history in a safe manner, bringing the memory of past generations into the present, and keeping it safe for the future.

If you are looking for tips on how to carry out research into the experiences of your relatives who were caught up in the Holocaust, expert researchers from the Library will also be on hand to give advice.

All are welcome, and feel free to attend for all or only part of the session.