Survivor Stories

Iby Knill
Iby grew up in Bratislava, then the capital of Czechoslovakia. She escaped to Hungary after the Nazi invasion but was later caught and deported to Auschwitz.
Arek Hersh
Arek survived the Lodz ghetto and Auschwitz concentration camp. most of his family were murdered in the death camp at Chelmno in Nazi- occupied Poland.

Berta Klipstein
Berta grew up in Poland. When the Nazis invaded in 1939 her family fled East into the Soviet Union. They refused Soviet citizenship and spent time in a gulag in Uzbekistan.
Ibi Ginsburg
Ibi and her family were transported from their home in Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau in May 1944.

Trude Silman
Trude arrived in England in 1939, aged 9, as a child refugee from Czechoslovakia. Both her parents were murdered in the Holocaust.
Rudi Leavor
Rudi’s family came to the UK in 1937 as refugees of Nazi persecution. They settled in Bradford.

Eugene Black
Eugene survived forced labour at Buchenwald, Mittelbau-Dora and Ellrich concentration camps before being liberated from Bergen-Belsen in April 1945.
Liesel Carter
Leisel left Germany at the age of four in 1939. She travelled through Norway to escape to safety in England, arriving in January 1940. Incredibly, she travelled part of the journey alone.

Edith Goldberg
Edith and her sister came to England on the Kindertransport in 1939, settling in Leeds. The rest of her family was murdered during the Holocaust.
Margaret Kagan
Margaret survived the Holocaust in hiding in Lithuania. She and her husband Joseph were saved by a local man who risked his life to help them.

Heinz Skyte
Heinz Skyte was born in Germany. His family
fled the Nazis and came to Britain where they
were interned as ‘enemy aliens’.
John Chillag
John grew up in Hungary. He was deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944, then on to other camps where he was used as forced labourer.

Martin Kapel
Born in Germany to Polish parents, Martin and his family were forcibly expelled from Germany by the Nazis. Martin came to the UK on a Kindertransport with his sister.
Ruth Rogoff
Ruth and her family fled Nazi Germany, first to Prague and then to Britain.

Suzanne Rappaport Ripton
Suzanne had a happy childhood in Paris until the German invasion. Then her parents were arrested and she went into hiding from the Nazis.
Val Ginsburg
Val experienced the Soviet and Nazi invasions of Lithuania. He survived the Kaunas ghetto, forced labour and near starvation in concentration camps during the Second World War.