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Exhibition open

We're open Monday – Thursday 10am – 4pm

Child Survivors of the Holocaust

9 May marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Theresienstadt concentration camp. This guest blog from Hayley Shaw describes the experiences of child survivors who came to the UK. Keep reading

A Family Passover

Passover is a time of family get-togethers and celebration. It’s a highlight of my year, but a busy time as well with all the preparation. This year, due to social distancing, we can’t have family … Keep reading

The Women of ‘Through Our Eyes’

Our exhibition ‘Through Our Eyes’ features the stories of nine extraordinary women who survived the Holocaust or came to the UK as Holocaust child refugees. Iby Knill BEM Iby grew up in Bratislava, then in … Keep reading

Film review: Where Hands Touch

October is Black History Month which highlights the often underrepresented history of Black people in the UK and around the world. As part of Black History Month Hannah has reviewed ‘Where Hands Touch’, a film … Keep reading

Reflections on the Jewish holidays

Rosh Hashanah is the start of the holiest period in the Jewish calendar, a ten day period in which we reflect on our behaviour, both as individuals and towards others. Often mistranslated as New Year, … Keep reading