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Exhibition open

We're open Monday – Thursday 10am – 4pm

My Grandma and Me

It was strange hearing my grandma’s voice again after two decades.  I had been asked to do a presentation, with my 14 year old daughter, about my grandma’s story for Yom Hashoah, the Jewish day … Keep reading

The Lack of Preparation for War Crimes Investigations

Introduction Many historians and students of World War II are fully aware that the Nuremberg Trials (IMT) are painted as a shining example of the four victorious Allies working together in ‘perfect harmony’. Numerous books, … Keep reading

New temporary exhibition: Afterimages by Daria Martin

When Jarman award-winning artist and filmmaker Daria Martin’s Jewish Czech grandmother Susi Stiassni died in 2005 aged 82, she left behind a meticulous typewritten record of almost 20,000 dreams recorded over a 40 year period. … Keep reading

Memorial Gestures – Jordan Baseman

Details are Important We seem to be at a time in our history where there are many open divisions in our society, exemplified by vaccine/anti-vaccine, Brexit Leave/Remain, Trump, January 6th at the Capitol, etc. Facts … Keep reading